
I was born and grew up in post WWII Italy while the country was being rebuilt. Homes, roads, bridges and train stations had all been heavily bombed. Everywhere, reconstruction was in full swing.

Poverty, hunger and theft were omnipresent; you could not leave your car unattended even momentarily or your tires and everything else would be gone. Yet, wherever you went you could feel the energy in the air, everyone was worked hard – regardless of what kind of work they did.

When my mother was expecting me my Dad took her for a motorcycle ride all over the countryside. He loved the freedom of riding around wherever he wanted. During his military service in Northern Africa he had also owned a beautiful BMW motorcycle and now he was again free to go everywhere he wanted. In those days the roads were pretty bumpy and it was not too long before Mom told Dad that she was afraid of losing her baby. To please Mom Dad ended up selling his motorcycle and never rode one again for the next 20 years.

Soon afterwards, however, he bought a nice Italian sports car. Again, to share his joy with not only his American wife but now also with his mother, he them both out driving around the Roman countryside. To his great surprise, while speeding, a crossing where the bridge had not rebuilt yet suddenly loomed ahead. Too late to stop, Dad decisively determined to continue full speed ahead and so he actually flew over the river to the other side landing with great force on all four wheels bending them outward. It became impossible to drive any further.

All that night Dad stood awake guarding at the car with his loaded 9 mm Beretta waiting for day break before going to seek for any help. As morning dawned, to everyone’s delight he left the loaded Beretta with his pregnant wife so she could protect herself and her Italian mother-in-law. In those days robbers were everywhere.

Dad soon found someone in the countryside who could help him and both his mother as well as my future Mom returned safely to Rome.

Mom’s adventures in Italy were not over. The Roman country rides were only a prelude to what was to follow.

There was an almost drowning incident. There was a couple of police incidents. Contrary to the popular saying, for my Mom benefit there was there was always something new under the sun.